Posts in 2019
macOS: Setup New Elixir Project
Tuesday, April 02, 2019 in macOS
less than a minute
Pre-Requisites: Brew Erlang Database Engine (CloudSQL, Postgres, MySQL, . . . ) Install Elixir: brew install elixir Create new project: mix <project_name> - pre-bakes Phoenix into the Elixir project. mix new - will only create …
Posts in 2018
macOS High Sierra: Fix Elixir+Phoenix Issues
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 in macOS
less than a minute
Issue: ** (Mix) The task “” could not be found Elixir version elixir v1.7.2 Solution Install latest phx using terminal command: mix archive.install Run …
macOS Mojave: Guides
Friday, June 08, 2018 in macOS
2 minute read
Upgrading to macOS Mojave (Beta) 1. Pre-Requisites: Free/Paid Apple Developer account 2. Steps: Download and install configuration file from Developer Portal: …
macOS High Sierra: Setup Ruby on Rails
Thursday, January 11, 2018 in macOS
2 minute read
Pre-Requisites: * Homebrew Install rbenv using: brew install rbenv Add the following to your terminal profile (.bash_profile or .zshrc etc): # rbenv export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(rbenv init -)" Relaunch the Terminal or …
Posts in 2017
macOS root user security issue and how to fix it
Thursday, November 30, 2017 in macOS
3 minute read
What is root User? Root user is a special user account used for System Administration in Unix and Linux distros. The name of the account (root) is not the determining factor always. In Unix for example is UID. any account with UID = 0 is the …